Jodie Nealley

Posted : admin On 4/5/2022

Statistics say that 80% of Americans have tried gambling and 5% of those players will end up with a gambling addiction.

Editor’s Note: We are grateful to Ms. Jodie Nealley for sharing her story with readers of The BASIS. Throughout, we have provided links to journal articles and other sources to illustrate how aspects of Jodie’s story coincide with scientific findings.This Editorial is part of our month-long Special Series on Gambling Disorder. Nealley VSE Recovery and Outreach Liaison Jodie has a Bachelor of Arts from St. Lawrence University, a Master of Science in Education from Indiana University and is a graduate of the UMass/Boston Addiction Counselor Education Program.

Problem gambling is an umbrella term that sums up all types of the gambling addiction symptoms. They are very similar to substance abuse behaviors. A gambling addiction compromises every aspect of a person’s life including finances, family, and career.

The National Council on Problem Gambling state the gambling symptoms cause a person to bet more money on a more frequent basis. A gambler will become restless if they try to abstain from playing. Gamblers will often reason that they need to chase their losses but this is merely an excuse.

The truth is, gambling addiction is no different than any other kind of addiction. You’re willing to lose everything you have to get the high of gambling.

Symptoms of Gambling Addiction That are Similar to Substance Addiction

The APA has found that symptoms of gambling behaviors are similar to substance addiction. As the gambling addict’s behavior is so similar to those with substance addictions, the results are the same. This includes significant loss in life like divorce, loss of your home, family, and friends.

Like the alcoholic, gamblers will continue the behavior despite the loss. They crave the high of gambling, they hide their behavior, lie to keep playing, and may get involved with criminal activity to feed their addiction.

Compulsive gambling is a major public health problem. It is an illness that requires gambling addiction treatment methods.

Symptoms of Gambling Addiction That are Similar to Substance Addiction

The APA has found that symptoms of gambling behaviors are similar to substance addiction. As the gambling addict’s behavior is so similar to those with substance addictions, the results are the same. This includes significant loss in life like divorce, loss of your home, family, and friends.

Like the alcoholic, gamblers will continue the behavior despite the loss. They crave the high of gambling, they hide their behavior, lie to keep playing, and may get involved with criminal activity to feed their addiction.

Compulsive gambling is a major public health problem. It is an illness that requires gambling addiction treatment methods.

Gambling Addicts Behavior

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders classifies problem gambling based on behaviors exhibited. For a person to be considered a gambling addict, you will have to follow at least four of the following behaviors.

  • Tolerance of gambling increases. You need to gamble with more money to gain desired excitement.
  • You become restless and irritable when cutting down or abstaining from gambling.
  • Although you try, you can’t abstain from gambling.
  • You relive your past experiences while you gambling, plan your next gambling experience, and think of ways to get the money you need to gamble.
  • You may feel distressed while gambling.
  • When you lose, you’ll return to chase your losses.
  • You lie to hide your gambling activity.
  • You jeopardize important relationships, your job, or your home due to gambling.
  • You rely on other to help you with the financial problems, creating co-dependent relationships.

Compulsive Gambling Doesn’t Imply Financial Problems

Those with an addiction to gambling will not always have financial problems. While gambling can cause a player to lose their money, it’s not the gambling addiction definition.

Gamblers aren’t even playing for the money. They play because it boosts endorphins in the brain which alleviates stress. Gambling is an obsession and the anticipation is as important to the compulsive gambler as the win is.

The issue behind chronic gambling is not a financial one, it’s due to a change in the brain. It’s an illness and a disorder.

Biological Factors of Problem Gambling

Although many people try gambling, only a small percentage of people will become addicted to gambling. It’s believed the biological factor of dopamine may be the culprit.

For those who don’t develop the brain chemical dopamine as easily as others, they are more susceptible to become addicts. This may explain why a large percentage of people who do gamble compulsively are also addicted to other substances. A high percentage will also have mood disorders associated with a reduced amount of dopamine.

Gambling Addiction Runs in the Family

Studies have found that having a relative with a gambling problem puts you eight times more at risk. It was also found that people with relatives who had a gambling problem, they were 11% more likely to have behavioral problems of some sort.

A gambling disorder tends to run in families, but environmental factors may also contribute, notes the APA. Symptoms of the disorder can begin as early as adolescence or as late as older adulthood. Men are more likely to begin at a younger age and women are more likely to begin later in life.

Mood Disorders and Those Addicted to Gambling

There is a strong connection between mood disorders and gambling addiction. It is complex and the two can feed off one another, causing each to become more problematic. This co-occurring disorder is challenging to treat.

One-third of pathological gamblers have a close relative with a major mood disorder. For recovering gamblers in inpatient treatment, the depression rates ranged from 50%-75%. They also have higher rates of chronic depression.

Gamblers have reported that they gamble so they can let go of their troubles. They look to avoid feelings of depression, anxiety and loneliness. Scientists take this as evidence that gamblers play to cope with how they feel.

Mood Disorders, Substance Abuse and Gambling Addiction Incidence

Gambling addiction statistics show high incidence of specific mental illnesses. Depression and anxiety disorder, substance abuse disorders, and anti-social personality disorder are the most common.

Research found gambling disorders were coupled with the following percentages:

  • Alcohol disorder – 72%
  • Drug addiction – 38%
  • Nicotine addiction – 60%
  • Mood Disorder (depression or bi-polar disorder) – 50%
  • Anxiety Disorder (phobias, general anxiety disorder) – 41%
  • Personality Disorder (Obsessive compulsive disorder, antisocial) – 61%

This can include things like antisocial disorders and social anxiety with overlaps of mood disorders and substance abuse. Problem gambling and psychiatric disorders are connected.

High Percentage of Young Compulsive Gamblers

The main demographics for compulsive gambling are those aged between 20 to 30 years old. There are as many as 750,000 young people aged 14-21 that have a gambling addiction in the US.

Up to 75% of college students reported that they had gambled within the past 12 months. For those in college setting, the risk of developing a gambling addiction is double. There is an estimated 6% of college students who are struggling with gambling problems. Gambling on campus is the perfect storm. Here’s why:

  • The age of college students are associated with risky behaviors.
  • It’s the first generation that’s been exposed to legal gambling on such a wide scale.
  • Thanks to technology, placing bets are far easier.
  • Sport betting, which 67% of college students take part in is promoted as sport.
  • The average college student will receive around 25 credit card solicitations over the course of a semester.

Gambling and Criminal Acts

Studies have found a strong connection between gambling addiction and crime. A study from Georgia State University found that 50% of problem gamblers commit crimes. The worse the gambling gets, the more severe the criminal acts.

Gambling addiction in criminal offenders supersede those who are non-offenders. Effects of gambling addiction does include a higher probability of criminal acts to gain funds for further gambling.

Problem Gamblers and the Losses They Face

Serious negative effects of gambling addiction include great loss. The pathological gambling symptoms cause social, emotional, financial, and health consequences. Work issues will likely arise and gamblers are willing to commit illegal acts.

Depending on the financial situation of the person, rent or mortgages can go unpaid causing the loss of their home. Any money that is in holding such as retirement savings or post-secondary education savings will be spent on gambling.

Statistics show that 65% of marriages will end in divorce when a spouse has a gambling addiction. Squandering away money will cause a family breakdown as the person has no regard for others.

Health problems ensue as compulsive gambling has a strong connection to mental health disorders and substance abuse. Problem gamblers are at risk of developing a co-occurring disorder.

Gambling Addiction Horror Stories

Jodie Nealley was once a compulsive gambler but is now working as in Intervention and Recovery Support, offering people gambling addiction help. Her personal gambling addiction story illustrates how far some will go before they recognize they have a problem.

Jodie Nealley

“I began gambling heavily in 2005. By 2007, I had been fired from my job for embezzlement. By 2009, at 55 years old, I was sleeping on top bunk in prison – sentenced to two years for larceny.

How could this have happened to me – a Masters educated, intelligent woman who should have known better? To someone who had an understanding of addiction? I realize now I understood it in others but I didn’t understand it myself. I didn’t realize that when I quit drinking it wasn’t enough to not drink. I never examined why I drank so much or why I smoked too much. I never looked at the hole in me I was trying to fill.

As I lay on that top bunk in prison or walked around the track outside, I had time to think and I learned through the help of a 12 step program, that there wasn’t enough money in the world to fill that hole. I learned I had to fill it with something else. That is when my true recovery began.”

Celebrity Problem Gamblers

Norm MacDonald

Norm MacDonald, a comedian who started his career on Saturday Night Live (SNL) said, “If you don’t win when you gamble, you’re the lucky one.”

Norm gambled his fortunes to rock bottom proportions on sports betting twice. He said that if you never win, you don’t get hooked. He was a casual gambler until he won 6 figures in Atlantic City. He said once you win big, you can’t just gamble $25 bets.

Charles Barkley

In 2008, Charles Barkley was interviewed when he admitted he has lost about $10 million to gambling. He said he knows he has a gambling problem but doesn’t consider it a problem because he can afford to gamble. He admits to gambling too often and with too much money. He says he aims to get it under control but won’t quit gambling.

Charlie Sheen

Denise Richards alleged that her former husband betted on sports every day and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. She said he showed signs of gambling addiction mood swings, becoming volatile when he lost. He admitted to spending large amounts of money on cocaine and gambling, attributing it to an addictive personality.

Jodie Nealley And Brad

Steps to Stop Gambling

Compulsive gamblers are not always easy to treat because they have a hard time admitting there’s a problem. This is why a major part of problem gambling treatment is acknowledging there’s a problem in the first place.

It’s likely that a family intervention or a legal problem is the reason a gambler goes into therapy. There may be some resistance at first. Once control is regained, the gambling addict will begin to understand the correlation of gambling and their losses.

Mediation for Gambling Addiction

Antidepressants and mood stabilizers may be able to help with some compulsive gambling symptoms. Narcotic antagonists have been shown to be useful in treating substance abuse and compulsive gambling.

The risk is that due to a gamblers’ biology, they may become addicted. If the gambler is experiencing major depression, has OCD or ADHD, it may be imperative that they take medication. It isn’t recommended for every gambling addict however. The outcome could be worse than the cure itself.

Gambling Addiction Therapy

In a gambling addiction treatment plan, it should include behavior therapy. This will include exposure to the behavior the gambling addict wants to unlearn. The addict will then be taught skills to reduce urges to gamble.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps a compulsive gambler identify unhealthy, negative beliefs that have no truth to them. They replace those beliefs with healthy, positive ones.

Family therapy is also helpful because it allows the gambler to feel less alone and isolated. When the family has a greater understanding of the problem, they may be more forgiving.

Self-Help Groups (Gamblers Anonymous)

Self-help groups help people to find others who have similar addiction problems to their own. A professional health care representative will know what resources are available in your area.

Inpatient/Outpatient Treatment

Everybody gambles for different reasons and co-occurring disorders may have become intertwined with a gambling addiction. This can create a more serious situation where the gambler will need to go to inpatient treatment to ensure success.

Treatment for substance abuse, depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders may be a part of the treatment plan. When dealing with these other issues as well as a gambling problem, the person may need to be monitored. Outpatient treatment is also comprehensive enough that a patient gets the support they need but there’s more freedom in the event the addict needs to work.

Gambling addiction stories start out with a fun trip to the casino with friends. There are a few good wins, along with some losses. For some, the chemicals in the brain that are susceptible to drug or alcohol addiction start to react to gambling in the same way.

A person will feel a rush when they gamble and the desire will increase to get the rush again. This means more money spent and inevitably more money lost.

They will try to chase their losses and gain control back. This process can go on for years unnoticed until the person has lost everything. Gambling is not about becoming rich, it’s about becoming a slave to addiction.

Marlene D. Warner

Executive Director

Marlene has been with the Council since 2001 and Executive Director since 2011. Marlene led the development and implementation of Responsible Gambling (RG) programs for Wynn, Penn National and MGM Casinos. She has worked with the Mass Gaming Council to launchVoluntary Self-Exclusion programs in the Commonwealth.

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She has initiated and delivered RG training for sales agents and retailers at US lotteries throughout North American State and Provincial Lotteries Association (NASPL). Marlene is a passionate expert & advocate for problem gambling (PG). She was the previous board president and current board member of the National Council on Problem Gambling. She is a chair of the regional NE PG organization and has delivered PG consulting services nationwide. Marlene often advises state lawmakers considering expansions of gaming legislation.

Odessa Dwarika

Director of Programs and Services

Odessa has 25 years of experience as a public health professional working towards healthy and equitable communities both locally and abroad. Odessa previously held senior-level positions with Jhamtse International, CASPAR Inc. of Bay Cove, and the Boston Public Health Commission.

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As Director of Programs and Services at the Mass Council, Odessa oversees training, technical assistance, and capacity building efforts throughout the continuum of care for disordered gambling and gaming. She works to promote a trauma informed understanding of gaming and gambling problems, particularly in communities that have high exposure to racism, economic marginalization, disproportionate institutionalization, and precarious immigration status. Odessa is fluent in Spanish and facilitates the agency’s Racial Justice and Health Equity Working Group. She is a graduate of Brandeis University and received her Master of Arts Degree in Intercultural Relations from Lesley University in Cambridge MA. She is on the Advisory Board of Bridging Mind and Body, a non-profit bringing trauma-informed yoga teacher training and wellness programming to girls and women, especially those who have experienced gender-based violence.

Chelsea Turner

Director of Responsible Gambling

Chelsea Turner is the Director of Responsible Gaming for the MA Council on Gaming and Health (MACGH). She works closely with the Executive Team to help advocate for those affected by problem gambling and develop programs and services that are designed to keep gambling a healthy and safe form of entertainment.

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She directly oversees the GameSense program, a harm reduction program inside the MA casino properties. Prior to joining the MACGH, Ms. Turner worked at the CT Lottery in various roles, including Vice President where she oversaw and managed the CLC’s Corporate Responsibility Programs, Government Affairs, and the Purchasing, Claims and Warehouse Departments. Ms. Turner has built extensive bi-partisan relationships over her professional career. She was the Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs for Governor M. Jodi Rell and a Platform Committee Delegate to the 2004 National Democratic Convention. She has volunteered and worked for countless Connecticut political campaigns, and she spent eight years lobbying for non-profit organizations at a private firm. She is also a former Council of State Governments Toll Fellow. Ms. Turner is a graduate of Bates College (BA) and UConn (MPA).

Yves Montima

Director of Finance

Yves has been with the Council for 3 years. Yves has over 25 years of experience in Accounting and Finance in both non-profit and corporate world. He received a bachelor’s degree in Management with a concentration in Accounting from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Yves is very active in the community and has been a Board Member at SEED.

Phil Sherwood

Director of Communications and Marketing

Phil currently resides in NH, where he was born and raised. He brings 21 years’ experience directing health and community advocacy and communication programs across New England.

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He has led more than 75 advocacy, public health, and responsible and problem gambling communications campaigns throughout the region. Additionally, Phil successfully directed Covering NH’s statewide engagement efforts to Granite Staters, small businesses, health care facilities, and the uninsured populations for ACA implementation. As Director of Communications & Marketing with the Council, Phil currently leads what are arguably the largest and most respected responsible and problem gambling communications promotional programs in the nation. He manages the public relations and all digital and social media efforts and leads the national promotion efforts of the 24/hour Helpline, and our responsible and problem gambling services.
Jodie Nealley

Michael Phelan

Director of Development

Michael has a sports-marketing background at Reebok and has worked for New England corporation including Polaroid & Staples. His experience with non-profit organizations includes Art Connection RI, MassChallenge, AARP and Health eVillages.

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Michael is the Principal & Founder of “Go-to-Market Pros”, where he focuses on strategy, fundraising, business development, marketing & partnerships. Michael has an MBA from Babson College, Wellesley, MA and a B.Sc. from Trinity, College, Dublin, Ireland.

Philip S. Kopel

Data Management and Evaluations Director

Phil joined the Council with more than 27 years of market research expertise in the lottery industry. His experience includes conducting large sample quantitative research and qualitative focus group studies and monitoring changing dynamics in the gambling industry.

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At the Council, he uses this knowledge to collect, analyze, interpret, and disseminate science-based data concerning gambling and gambling-related disorders. Phil sits on the Massachusetts Gaming Research Advisory Committee (GRAC) for the Massachusetts Gaming Commission and has conducted research on the impact of aging near a hometown casino. Phil earned a Master’s from Kent State University and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Licia Bester

Executive Assistant

Licia joined the team to streamline and facilitate the job of the Directors. She has worked as an Executive Assistant both in Europe and the USA with people from all over the world and is a firm believer in building valuable communication that reaches all equally.

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She is an Italian transplant who speaks 5 languages fluently and has studied Public Relations and Psychology in Italy before training as a professional chef in Milan and New York. A fervent organizer and troubleshooter, she enjoys helping to arrange the right resources and manage the nitty-gritty details of large projects. She is now bringing all these experiences together to the Council.

Jodie A. Nealley

VSE Recovery and Outreach Liaison

Jodie has a Bachelor of Arts from St. Lawrence University, a Master of Science in Education from Indiana University and is a graduate of the UMass/Boston Addiction Counselor Education Program. Jodie joined the MA Council on Gaming & Health in the Fall of 2012 where she works as the VSE Recovery & Outreach Liaison.

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Her responsibilities include assisting in the delivery of gambling related trainings aimed at capacity building for providers and serving as primary liaison for voluntary self-exclusion follow ups and the telephone recovery support program. Additionally, she is responsible for all recovery initiatives and information which include interacting with regional peer recovery centers to raise awareness about gambling disorder. She also manages the 24/7 Problem Gambling Helpline. Jodie has spoken on several recovery-oriented panels, been a keynote speaker and published articles for the About College publication and The Wager. She also co-authored chapter in: Responsible Gambling: Primary Stakeholder Perspectives (eds. Shaffer, H., Blaszczynski, A., Ladouceur, R., Fong, D., & Collins, P.). She participated in the CT Council on Problem Gambling video: Broken and been interviewed for the national podcast : All In: The Addicted Gamblers podcast. Jodie uses her life experience as a recovering alcoholic and compulsive gambler to raise awareness and compassion wherever possible. In 2019 she received the National Council on Problem Gambling Jeff Beck Recovery Ambassador award.

MiShy Sibley

Communications Coordinator

MiShy brings to the Council over seven years of Human Service experience from Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD). She also has a strong financial background, having practiced as a licensed mortgage broker for over five years. Her compassion, drive and dedication make her a valued asset to the Council. MiShy graduated Cum Laude from Springfield College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Service.

Ray Fluette

GameSense Supervisor

Raymond Fluette joined GameSense with 22 years of Casino Table Games Management experience to the team.

Amy Gabrila

Senior GameSense Advisor

Amy brings to the Council over 21 years experience in the casino industry. She has worked in table games departments across the country, including in MS, OH, RI, CT and MA.

Linh Ho

Senior GameSense Advisor

Linh Ho brings over 3 years experience as a Slot Attendant at the Plainridge Park Casino.

Charlie Ordille

Senior GameSense Advisor

Charlie brings more than 40 years of experience in the gambling industry with the last 27 years as a Casino Manager. Prior to this, Charlie was in the United States Marine Corp.

Ken Averill

GameSense Advisor

Ken brings the council over 24 years in the gaming industry with experience in all table games and operations.

Correna Jodoin

GameSense Advisor


Correna brings over 5 years of gaming experience to the Council, previously working as a Slot Shift Manager for the first casino in Massachusetts, PPC.

Salvatore (Torey) Lauria

GameSense Advisor

Torey has over 18 years of table games experience from Foxwoods casino in Connecticut. He has extensive knowledge and understanding of most casino games.

Joshua Molyneaux

GameSense Advisor

Rhonda Martins

GameSense Advisor

Rhonda has 27 years of casino industry experience to the Council. Starting in the coin department in CT, she then transferred to table games and since then has worked in casinos in MA, FL, and RI.

Edgardo Romero

GameSense Advisor

Edgardo brings to the council 26 years of experience in the casino industry. He has worked in Casinos in Puerto Rico, Aruba and Massachusetts. Edgardo is fluent in Spanish and English.

Israel Rosario

GameSense Advisor

Israel Rosario joined the Council from Mohegan Sun Casino with 12 years’ experience as a Supervisor and Table Games Dealer.

Kayvon Shakoori-Naminy

GameSense Advisor

Aisha Shambley

GameSense Advisor

Aisha joined the Council with over 14 years’ experience as a table games dealer and 2 years as a casino cage cashier.

Veronica Shumway

GameSense Advisor

Ronnie brings to the Council 17 experience in table Games from Foxwoods Casino.

David Tang

GameSense Advisor

David brings to the Council his customer service skills and knowledge of table games to connect with casino patrons.

Chris Wong

GameSense Advisor

Chris was in the table games department as a floor supervisor and table games dealer for over 12 years in casinos in MA and CT.

Sean Zeigler

GameSense Advisor

Sean has 20 years of table games experience as a dealer in both Connecticut and Massachusetts and has knowledge in blackjack, craps, roulette, and novelty/carnival games.

The Mass. Council is governed by a Board of Directors. Following is a list of the fiscal year 2018 officers and members:

President, Dr. Martha T. Kane

PhD., Clinical Director of the Addiction Recovery Management Service (ARMS), Massachusetts General Hospital

Vice President, Paul Sternburg

Former Director of the Massachusetts State Lottery

Treasurer, Deanna Foster

Assistant Professor of Accounting and MSA Director

Secretary, Dr. William A. Dávila, Ed.D., MSW, LICSW

Executive Director/CEO, The Children’s Study Home

Director, Stephen P. Crosby

Independent Consultant

Director, Dawn Distefano

Chief Finance and Grants Officer

Director, Mark Hichar, Esq.


Director, David Monahan, Esq.

Campaign Manager, Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood

Director, Dr. Vera Parham

Associate Professor, Native American and Public History, American Military University

Director, John Perry

25 year leadership and executive experience with the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation.

Director, Joe Rocco

President of Roco Productions, Inc.